
Helpful articles and videos on how to FEEL GREAT

These Boots are Made for Walkin’

Could your safety footwear be doing you more harm than good? The good, the bad and the downright scary facts on safety footwear – how to be safe and avoid injury. Crush injuries to the foot are a common workplace injury and a significant cause of morbidity, disability...

We’re Ready for Rio!

We’re Ready for Rio!

Here at Activate Physiotherapy we will watch just about any sport that's going. So you can imagine we're all pumped for the Rio Olympic Games in a few days time. We've got you covered with the dates for all your favourite sports so you won't miss a thing. Here's our...

How to get ready for a 10km run in only 4 weeks

Hi! I'm Adriana one of the physios here at Activate Physiotherapy. I'm participating in the Bridge to Brisbane on Sunday 28th August in the 10km run. I have participated in a few Fun Runs and Walks this year however I have not pushed myself to run or put in maximum...

What is Pain?

What is Pain?

July 25-31st is National Pain Week. We take a look at the causes of pain to better understand what pain is and how best to manage it. ‘Pain’ is our body’s way of warning or protecting us from something that is wrong or injured. We all suffer from pain every now and...

School Backpacks and Back Pain

School Backpacks and Back Pain

Back pain in school-aged children can be prevented and avoided simply by having the correct size school bag and correct packing technique. According to the Australian Physiotherapy Association approximately 70% of school aged children will suffer back pain from poorly...

Physical Activity in Children

Physical Activity in Children

Physical activity in children is vital for development and helps children understand important foundations for a healthy and active lifestyle. Some of the benefits of physical activity in children include; Building strong bones and muscles Promoting healthy growth,...

Western Acupuncture & Dry Needling

What is Western Acupuncture? What is Dry Needling? And will they help me? We are hearing these questions more and more from our clients and people on the forums we are a member of. Here's a simple guide to Acupuncture and Dry Needling. Acupuncture and dry needling are...

Physio vs Chiro – Which is best?

Answering the question once and for all and helping you to choose which treatment option will be best for you. It’s an age-old question, “I’ve hurt my back, neck, shoulder etc – should I see a chiro or a physio?” Well as a physio you’d probably expect some natural...

Medical Myth: Bed rest is good for back pain

Severe low back pain is a common and dreaded problem that rivals only hay fever, asthma, hypertension and dermatitis as Australia’s leading cause of long-term illness. The instinctive response to severe pain is to rest the injured body part and reduce normal...

Introducing Adriana!

This month we're welcoming our newest team member Adriana Flocco. Read on to get to know Adriana a little better: Which uni did you attend? Australian Catholic University - ACU When did you graduate? December 2015 What additional qualifications have you gained? Level...

Exercises to Avoid When You Have Lower Back Pain

If you've hurt your back, you've probably been told that keeping active is important. However, some exercises are best avoided if you want to make a speedy recovery. Here are my top exercises to avoid when you have a lower back injury. General or Home/Sports Based...

5 Fixes for Your Lower Back

5 Fixes for Your Lower Back

Back pain? Not anymore! Follow our 5 easy steps to get pain free and stay there. 1. Fix your Posture Whether you’re sitting or standing, your posture is the number one contributor to back pain. If you sit at work, try standing and doing a few mini-squats to reset your...

Fitness and Technology

Technology is often blamed for the decreased activity levels of Australians. But what if technology could help INCREASE health and fitness? This quarter Josh has been out testing the popular new trend in fitness – the fitness tracker. Garmin VivoFit The Garmin VivoFit...


From a simple knock to a serious injury a concussion can happen to anyone. With tough concussion rules being enforced across several sporting codes we take a look at what a concussion really is, how to recognize it , how to recover from it and how to minimize your...

The Best and Worst Diets for 2015

Weight-loss and dieting are common New Years resolutions, but which diets really work and which ones don’t? We look at the best and worst diet trends of 2015 to help you achieve your goals! If you were looking to the Paleo or raw food diets to lose weight this summer...

Dave’s Top Tip for Exercise

During my years in practice I have been commonly asked “What are the best exercises to: lose weight, manage my diabetes, manage my heart condition…” So I’ve put together my top tips based on experience and the most up to date research from the Exercise and Sports...

Team Activate Reach a New Height!

As the Activate Team celebrate Christmas and the end of another great year we climbed high above the city at the Story bridge Adventure Climb! Climbing over 1,000 steps on Brisbane's famous bridge we enjoyed a great sunset and evening view of the city and then we...

The Activate Boys Take on the Ice Bucket Challenge

The Activate Boys Take on the Ice Bucket Challenge

The Activate Physiotherapy team have taken on the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for Motor Neurone Disease (or ALS as its called in America). A bit of fun for a great cause! Thanks to all those who donated and came down to support us.

Musculoskeletal Injuries & Kids in Sport

Musculoskeletal Injuries & Kids in Sport

Having active kids inevitably means they’re more likely to suffer scrapes and knocks. This can be scary for parents but shouldn’t put you off letting your kids play sports. Carol was sitting in her office when the phone rang. “Carol? Your son, Josh, was injured during...

Recovering from Pregnancy

Recovering from Pregnancy

As a new mum I was expecting the inevitable recovery process after delivering my first baby. What I didn’t realize is how hard it is to recover while you are looking after a new little person. The best way I can describe pregnancy and labour is by likening it to a...