This month we’re welcoming our newest team member Adriana Flocco. Read on to get to know Adriana a little better:

Which uni did you attend?

Australian Catholic University – ACU

When did you graduate?

December 2015

What additional qualifications have you gained?

Level 1 sports trainer

What do you love about being a physio?

Helping people achieve their goals through different hands on and exercise treatment techniques.

What do you wish all your patients knew?

Exercise is very important and you should do your Physio exercises!

What did you want to be when you were a child?

Zoo keeper

What would you do if you weren’t a Physio?

Professional traveller

Where did you grow up?


Tell us one thing about yourself that your patients would be surprised to know?

I was a competitive gymnast until 2 years ago and I coached gymnastics for many years

What are your hobbies?

Spending time with family, surfing and playing sport

What charities do you support and why?

Camp quality – My best friend had leukaemia as a child and i’ve always been involved

What’s your favourite holiday destination and why?

Europe because I love the food, culture and people

What’s your favourite movie?

Star trek into darkness

What’s your favourite food?
