Triquetral Fracture
The triquetral bone is the second most commonly injured/fractured bone in the wrist behind the scaphoid. It is often the result of a fall onto an outstretched hand. Where the scaphoid is a fracture on the thumb side of your wrist, a triquetral fracture will cause pain on the pinky side of your wrist.
If your wrist is in an extended position when landing then the triquetral bone impacts on the ulna styloid process and leads to a fracture. If your wrist is in a flexed position when landing then an avulsion fracture normally occurs where the dorsal radiocarpal ligament pulls a fragment off the bone. Interestingly the triquetrum can often be missed for correct diagnosis from the first Xray. Particularly, the avulsion fracture is often hard to visualise on some Xrays and will require a specific view to best identify this fracture.
The good news is that the majority of triquetral fractures heal conservatively with appropriate splinting and rehabilitation. Our expert Physiotherapists will assess your wrist and arrange an Xray to assist with diagnosis and correct management however due to the fact triquetral fractures sometimes do not appear straight away on an Xray we may place you in a splint first then try another Xray after 10days or even have a different scan arranged eg CT or MRI.

Treatment for Triquetral Fracture
The key to getting a good result after a fracture and returning to full function is early management. Activate Physiotherapy offer same day appointments to attend their fracture clinic to ensure your triquetral wrist fracture is managed with the best management from the start.

Following your Xray our Physiotherapists will fit you into a custom short arm fracture splint. In most straight forward cases your wrist will be immobilised for around 4-6 weeks. If your triquetral fracture is more of an avulsion injury then it is possible your healing time will be 3-4 weeks. Our approach is unique and our physiotherapists understand the importance of integrating your rehab during the healing process and will assist you with a rehabilitation program at the various stages of your healing journey. This reduces the complications that often occur from wrist fractures.
How to Make a Fracture Clinic Appointment
Making an appointment at our fracture clinic is as easy as booking online for your nearest Brisbane based Activate Physiotherapy clinic in Stafford or Gumdale.
No Xray? No problem!
We can arrange bulk-billed xrays to confirm diagnosis and monitor healing.
Need your cast removed?
We can help with that too! We are able to remove backslabs and full plaster or polyester casts