Your Physio will select the appropriate exercises from the list below for shoulder conditions/injury. Do not continue with the exercises if you experience any severe pain and/or discomfort. If you do experience any adverse symptoms please stop exercise immediately and discuss with your Physio at the next consultation.

Posterior Capsule Stretch 1:

  • Lie onto your affected shoulder.
  • The arm should be in front of you with the elbow bent 90 degrees
  • Use your unaffected arm to push the arm down (push towards bed)
  • Hold with a firm pressure for20-30 sec
  • Repeat 3-4 times

Posterior Capsule Stretch 2:

  • With your thumb pointed down and your elbow straight, pull you’re the arm of your stiff shoulder
    across your chest
  • Use your good arm to pull at or above the level
    of your elbow.
  • Hold for 15-20 seconds with firm pressure
  • Repeat 3-5 times

Active Shoulder External Rotation:

  • Using theraband and keeping elbow at side, rotate arm outward away from the body
  • Keep forearm parallel to floor
  • Reps: ____ Sets: ______

Active Shoulder Internal Rotation:

  • Using theraband and keeping elbow at side, rotate arm towards the body
  • Keep forearm parallel to floor
  • Reps: ____ Sets:

Shoulder Shrugs:

  • Hold weights in each hands with hands by your side
  • Shrug your shoulder up towards yours ears and then lower them down
  • Reps: ____ Sets: ______
  • Weight: ________

Standing Rows:

  • Using theraband and keeping elbows in, pull band back to 90 degree elbow bend
  • Feel muscles tighten between your shoulder blades
  • Reps: ____ Sets: ______

Shoulder Extension:

  • Start with arms at appropriate height in front of you.
  • Using theraband and keeping arms straight, pull band down to side.
  • Reps: ____ Sets: ______


  • External Rotation – Keeping arm tucked into side, press back of hand into wall at light-moderate intensity
  • Internal Rotation – Using doorframe for resistance. Keeping arm tucked into side, press forearm inwards at a light-moderate intensity.
  • Hold 5-10 seconds
  • Reps: ____ Sets_______